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These are not just plain canvas shoes. The adidas Nizza sneakers are made of the best materials, and thanks to their reinforced seams, they can withstand a heavy load. There are better shoes on the market to cross the Alps in, but the adidas Nizza sneakers will be a reliable companion in the city, at a party, or on an occasional trip to nature. The sneakers will surely meet all your expectations.
From basketball fields to the city
The design of the adidas Nizza sneakers has its origins in a perhaps unexpected place. Experts will recognize the shape and overall appearance of the silhouette, which returns to the original concept of basketball shoes of the '80s.
Don't worry, you can still easily throw some three-pointers with the Nizza kicks on. The sole has high durability thanks to its hardness, balanced out by a special OrthoLite insole with a significant comfort contribution.
So get yourself a pair of the adidas Nizza canvas sneakers in the women's or men's version. There are plenty of sizes available, and the color spectrum ranges from white to the darkest black.
Textile: The textile upper of the sneakers is lightweight, breathable and comfortable, ideal for everyday wear and sports. It ensures air circulation, keeps feet fresh and adapts to their shape. Often complemented with synthetic or rubber details for durability and support.
Syntetika: The synthetic upper is made of synthetic materials that are lightweight, durable and easy to clean. It provides good protection against moisture and at the same time allows for a comfortable wearing experience.
Rubber: The rubber outsole provides excellent grip and durability on a variety of surfaces. Thanks to its elasticity, it absorbs shock, increasing comfort when walking or running.
adidas Originals are not just sneakers but an entire culture that has developed around them. Ever since the brand with the iconic three stripes appeared on the scene, it has shaped the sports world as well as streetwear and pop culture. The history of adidas dates back to 1949, when Adi Dassler laid the foundations for the brand that is now one of the absolute top brands. The adidas Originals segment was created as a tribute to the iconic models of the past. It revives classic silhouettes and adds modern elements to them. It keeps the legacy of sports and urban fashion alive and relevant.
The most famous models include the immortal Superstar, favoured by members of the hip-hop group Run-D.M.C. in the 1980s, or the minimalist Stan Smith, named after the legendary tennis player. If you're looking for something more futuristic, the adidas NMD or Ozweego are great choices. The common denominator of all models is quality materials and technologies like Boost or Primeknit. And of course, timeless designs that never get old.
Over decades of existence, adidas Originals sneakers have won fans among celebrities, athletes and artists. They are worn by Pharrell Williams, Kanye West and skater Nora Vasconcellos. The brand regularly collaborates with leading designers and other brands. Collaborations with Yeezy, Prada or Beyoncé' s Ivy Park clearly prove that Originals models are not afraid to constantly push the boundaries of fashion.
Whether you're looking for something for everyday wear, to pump up the sporty vibe or simply a retro classic, this brand always has something that will get you going. Atdy certainly doesn't skimp on comfort, quality and style. Choose your pair at Footshop and be part of a legend.